Dinghy Hire

Dinghy Hire
The Club owns the following dinghies that are available for hire by Members.
2 RS Visions
3 RS Fevas
6 Teras
2 Lasers
6 Fusions
6 Toppers
10 OptimistsTo book a boat please visit this link. Terms and conditions are listed below and will be strictly adhered to.
1)Bookings for non-Club Event use.
Bookings and payment should be made as early as possible and can be accepted during normal club office opening hours only.
Non members are not allowed to hire dinghies or paddleboards for recreation or non-club events
A Member can choose to bring along a non-member, there will be an additional charge of £5.00 allowing the non-member temporary membership status (this is only for the duration of the day of hire).
Cadets under the age of 18 must be to RYA 2/red band standard, to hire a dinghy. To hire a paddle board they must have their Ready to Ride certificate and are subject to parent or guardian authority signature on the booking form. Dinghy or paddleboard use MUST be supervised at all times by a responsible adult.
2)Club Events
If a Member uses a dinghy for a Club organised event e.g. WOW, MOB, Foxer, Club or team racing or training, no charge will be made for the hire. Non-members are allowed to use a club dinghy/attend on two occasions at a Club event, after which if they wish to continue to use/attend they must first submit an application form with remittance for Club membership.
It is the responsibility of the organiser, or race officer of the Club event to record the number of hire occasions by non members and maintain a record of the hirer's name, contact details, including an emergency contact number and make available at all times.
3)Hire to Cadet members under the age of 18 for Club events
All dinghy hired to Cadets for Club events are subject to parent or guardian authority signature on the booking form and dinghy use must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult. Cadets under the age of 18 must be to RYA 2/red band standard.
4)Paddle Board Hire
Paddle board are only available to members for hire, members wishing to hire a paddleboard must have complete the Ready to Ride course and have their certificate, members without a certificate will be unable to hire a board unless an instructor is present.
4) Safety and Seaworthiness
The club, its Officers, delegated Member or employee do not accept responsibility or liability for any accident, how so ever caused, resulting from the hire of a Club dinghy. Hirers must be satisfied of their own (and their crew's) competence to handle the boat in the conditions prevailing. Potential hirers are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the club chief instructor or the sailing secretary. In the case of bad weather, advice should be sought on the day. However this does not absolve the hirer from responsibility for the boat, and the people on board. If due to the weather, the Club decides to cancel the hiring, the hirer has the option to re-book the dinghy at a later date or receive a full refund.
Hirers and crews must wear suitable lifejackets or buoyancy aids at all times, and comply with all Club safety rules. Wet suits alone do not constitute adequate personal buoyancy.
If the hirer is concerned about the seaworthiness of the boat to be hired, again advice should be sought from club chief instructor or the sailing secretary. The decision to race or participate in a Club event, recreational sail or non-Club event is the hirer's alone.
5) Care of boats and equipment
Hirers must take good care of the boat and return it to its berth in a clean and tidy condition, with cover properly secured.
Sails (and possibly other loose gear) may be kept in the clubhouse or the club shed. At the time of the booking, hirers must make arrangements to collect the gear from the clubhouse or shed at the time they collect the boat. Sails and gear taken from the clubhouse or shed must be returned in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the hire and stowed away tidily.
Loose gear carried on board (e.g. paddle, bailer, etc) must be properly secured to prevent loss, in the event of a capsize
6) Loss and Damage
Any loss breakage or other damage must be reported to the Sailing Secretary, Chief Instructor or Administrator immediately. The hirer is responsible for all repair costs. If the Club decides to make an insurance claim, the hirer must pay any costs (e.g. excess charges) for which the Club is liable.
7) Areas of use
Areas of use by the hirers are restricted as follows:
When Club dinghies are hired for a non-club event their use is restricted within the Hamble River and not South of a line between Warsash College Pier and Hamble Point Quay and north beyond Bursledon Road Bridge, unless with prior approval by the Sailing Secretary or Chief Instructor.
Last updated 15:03 on 23 July 2024