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The Foxer

© Malcom Donald

The Foxer has become an iconic symbol of sailing in the Hamble River. The red, white and black sails zipping around the picturesque waterway is now a familiar sight to locals and visitors alike. Naval architect, David Thomas (designer of the Sigma 33, Hunter 707 and BT Global Challenge yachts) decided to create a yacht tender that can be rowed, motorised or sailed. However, he probably never intended that his creation would be raced by national, international and world champion sailors.


Georgie Corlett summed up the Foxer when looking at the 10 coolest dinghies in the world. (Sep 23, 2013) Some 20 years ago the Hamble Foxer appeared, it won the approval of many fine UK sailors. The brainchild of Hedley Bewes and Designer David Thomas. This one design 11-footer single sail rig is the epitome of simplicity, precisely what makes it so appealing. Its responsivee handling make it perfect for darting in and out of the moored yachts on the Hamble, and with a 52 week year round race programme for the 50-strong fleet, this is the go-to class for an impressive roll-call of national and international yachting champions seeing the purest side of dinghy racing.

Hedley still sails regularly with the Foxers at Hamble River Sailing Club.

Class Captain John Duff is very welcoming to all, and the class has a boat Grandy available for rent, people are welcome to come along and try. The current Membership fee (as at January 2025) is £25 per annum, however membership of HRSC is also compulsory see here for current rates and membership application form.

Any questions please feel free to ask via Facebook on Foxer Racing Hamble Foxer Facebook page. Racing is normally 11am on Sundays and there is also a ladies race day in June, the Intergalatics in July and finally the Winter Championships in November.

Click here to view forthcoming Foxer events

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Last updated 15:45 on 7 February 2025

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