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Home / Policy Documents / Members Sailing Disclaimer
Home / Policy Documents / Members Sailing Disclaimer

Members Sailing Disclaimer

I agree that I will not hold the Club, its officers, members or assistants liable for any injury or damage or loss suffered by myself while engaged in Club activities either on Club premises or elsewhere, or activities for which the Club is or may be responsible and I hereby indemnify the Club, its officers, members and assistants against all actions, claims or demands which might arise.

I understand that sailing, in common with all water sports, has its attendant risks.I further understand that the Club is only able to provide safety facilities during the hours of Club racing or training and that, outside these hours, the Club cannot be expected to exercise safety cover. I understand that, even during Club activities, the Club cannot accept responsibility for children or any other persons not engaged in racing or training.

I declare that I can swim 25 metres with the aid of a buoyancy aid

I agree the information provided may be used by the Club or a designated committee member for communication or administrative purposes within the terms of GDPR and it will not be supplied to third parties.

During the course/event we may take pictures and videos for use in presentations, displays or in our own booklets, newsletters or publicity.In the event of any images being taken, I DO NOT consent to these being used for promotional or educational purposes.

Please note that our website can be viewed throughout the world and not just in Britain where British law applies.

If using Club equipment/boat, I agree to pay any insurance excess (currently £250) should the Club need to make a claim for any damage to the equipment/boat.If there should be any claim against the Club for damage to another vessel or third party, I agree to pay any insurance excess (as above).

If I bring my own boat, I understand that the Club accepts no liability for any damage or injury sustained during Club events/training/activities.By taking part in any of these activities I agree and acknowledge that my vessel is adequately insured, with at least £2M against third party claims.

I have completed the medical declaration and I consider that I am fit and capable of taking part in the activities organized by the Club.

In addition, and in accordance with Government guidance, we ask all those who are self-isolating because they have experienced symptoms in the last 7 days, or are living with someone displaying symptoms and are self-isolating for 14 days, to stay away from the Club.

Last updated 10:27 on 17 May 2024

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